With the assistance of the EBRD and the Government of the Republic of Korea, IDO “Imon International” took part in a study tour to the city of Seoul for representatives of the banking sector of Tajikistan as part of the green economy development program.
The group included representatives of the National Bank of Tajikistan, EBRD partners in the financial sector (banks Arvand, Eskhata, First Microfinance, and MDO Humo).
From February 19 to 26, Imon International specialists studied: the experience of the Korean economy transition to a green, low-carbon and sustainable economy with an emphasis on the financial sector.
Meetings were organized for the participants with representatives of: scientific and academic circles, the Central Bank, leading commercial banks and the national payment system of Korea.
The program of the visit also included a separate module on adapting the Tajik economy to the effects of climate change.
According to the “Green Economy Development Strategy for 2023-2037” published by the government of the Republic of Tajikistan in September 2022, its implementation, including green financing for the first stage (2023-2025), will require investments of more than $2 billion (21.6 billion . somoni).
The transition to a green economy is one of the strategic directions of MDO “Imon International” activities.
In 2022, Imon International invested more than 19 million somoni in the green economy, as part of the GEFF project.
Source: Asia PLus TJ